1. Kansas State University | College of Human Ecology
2. Michigan State University | College of Natural Science
3. Middle Tennessee State University | College of Graduate Studies
4. New York University | The Steinhardt School of Education
5. Saint Louis University | The Graduate School
6. SUNY at Buffalo | School of Public Health and Health Professions
7. The Ohio State University - Columbus | College of Human Ecology
8. The University of Memphis | College of Education
9. University of Bridgeport Nutrition Institute
10. University of British Columbia | Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
11. University of Missouri - Columbia | College of Human
1. 康奈尔大学 | 位于纽约州伊萨卡,提供丰富的营养科学课程和研究机会
2. 哈佛大学 | 以其严谨的学术态度和深厚的科研基础而闻名,注重理论与实践相结合
3. 约翰霍普金斯大学 | 在饮食和健康领域名声很高,提供多样化的课程
4. 宾夕法尼亚大学 | 专注于饮食行为、新陈代谢等核心概念的研究
5. 密歇根大学 | 包括能量代谢、蛋白质、维生素、矿物质等营养素的研究