1. 牛津大学赛德商学院 (University of Oxford, Saifid Business School)
2. 伦敦商学院 (London Business School, LBS)
3. 剑桥大学贾吉商学院 (University of Cambridge, Judge Business School)
4. 帝国理工学院商学院 (Imperial College Business School)
5. 华威大学商学院 (University of Warwick, Warwick Business School)
6. 伦敦国王学院商学院 (King's College London, King's Business School)
7. 巴斯大学商学院 (University of Bath, School of Management)
8. 伦敦大学学院商学院 (University College London, UCL School of Management)
9. 兰卡斯特大学商学院 (University of Lancaster, School of Management)
10. 爱丁堡大学商学院 (University of Edinburgh, Ross School of Business)
11. 杜伦大学商学院 (University of Durham, Business School)
12. 格拉斯哥大学商学院 (University of Glasgow, Glasgow Business School)
13. 利兹大学商学院 (University of Leeds, School of Management)
14. 曼彻斯特大学商学院 (University of Manchester, Business School)
15.克兰菲尔德大学商学院 (Cranfield University, School of Management)
16. 埃克塞特大学商学院 (University of Exeter, Business School)
17. 约克大学商学院 (University of York, York Business School)
18. 布里斯托大学商学院 (University of Bristol, School of Management)
19. 苏格兰皇家银行商学院 (Royal Bank of Scotland, School of Management)
20. 赫瑞瓦特大学商学院 (Heriot-Watt University, School of Management)