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Would you please give me your ID card? 请把身份证给我好吗?A: Here's the form, my ID card and the money. 给您表格,我的身份证,还有钱。

This is the parcel arrival notice and my ID card. 这是我保裹通知单和我的身份证。Please bring you ID card. If you don't have ID card. 带上你的身份证,如果你没有身份证。Your ID card is expired and can not be used to book a ticket. 你的身份证过期,不能用来预订车票。My failure is due to the fact that I don't hold a local ID card. 我的失败就是由于我没有当地的身份证。He gave me a West German ID card and put me on a plane to West Germany. 他给我了一份西德局民身份证,并安排我乘飞机去了西德。Please line up and take photos, then make your ID card with the form in your hand. 请依次排队照相,然后拿着各人的登记表办理身份卡。Please line up and take photos, then make your ID card with the form in your hand. 请依次排队照相,然后拿着各人的登记表办理身份卡。

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