- 精选答案
1. School History
Founded in 1978, Mianyang Normal University is a key university in the Sichuan province and a leading higher education institution. The university was originally founded as Mianyang Teachers' College and was upgraded to Mianyang Normal University in 200
2. School Culture
Mianyang Normal University adheres to the办学理念:"Integrity, Solidarity,diligence, Efficiency", promoting a culture of honesty and hard work among its students and staff. The university strives to create a positive, open, and inclusive environment, encouraging students to pursue excellence and innovation.
Mianyang Normal University has well-equipped facilities that support students in their academic and personal development. The university has modern classrooms, state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, sports facilities, and more. The university also has advanced teaching and research equipment, providing students with access to the latest resources and technology.
4. School Teachers
Mianyang Normal University has a highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty. The university招贤纳士,recruiting teachers and researchers from around the world. The teaching staff has a strong commitment to high-quality teaching and is dedicated to providing students with a rigorous and engaging learning experience.
- 其他回答
绵阳师范学院英语专业(商务英语方向 本科)培养目标:培养能较熟练地运用英语语言,又懂得国际经济贸易业务、熟悉WTO规则及其他国际贸易法律、法规,进行无障碍的业务沟通的高层次专门人才。主干课程:基础英语、商务听力、商务口译、商务英语翻译、商务英语、金融英语、营销英语、国际贸易、国际金融、报关实务、国际贸易法、WTO专题等。就业方向:在外贸、海关、外事、旅游、科研、教育等部门和企业从事进出口贸易、报关、商务谈判、贸易救济的调查、翻译、导游、教学等相关工作。英语(师范 本科)培养目标:培养具备一定的教师职业技能,在高等、中等学校及基础教育学校从事英语教学和教学研究及其他教育相关工作能力的师资。主干课程:基础英语、高级英语、口语、翻译理论与实践、口译、词汇学、英美戏剧、英美社会与文化等。就业方向:在高等院校、中等学校、基础教育学校教学及文化、新闻出版、教育、旅游等部门从事翻译、研究、教学工作。